Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Staying at a Low Paying Job

                                                         "Supporting Hubby's Bald Head"

Sometimes staying at a low paying job is worth the consequences and after weighing the options, one continues on in such a job. We are at this point.

Some days, on my good days I wonder...... am I good enough to go back to work? I seriously consider it and think of what jobs in our area are available for the afternoon shifts. This is the shift I would be able to work with only having one vehicle..... a shift that would ensure me and hubby working alternating shifts and only seeing each other in passing. Yet every time I even THINK about such a feat...... I get a reality check with a chemo crash lasting anywhere from 2 to 5 days. Or I even get a bad month like pretty much all of JUNE that tells me NOPE not even close to being ready for the work force yet!

On another note hubby has revealed to me his desire to look for a better paying job and we have discussed this in great length. It almost puts us in a catch 22 situation where it boils down to right now, we are stuck with what we have.

Yes his job at the moment is low paying, he has made raises in the 3 years he has been there that brings us to just .25 cents above minimum  wage. Yet because he has been there for the length he has been there and because he is a very hard working dependable employee they look at him as family. This gives him the freedom to get whatever days off he needs to take  me to treatments and also no worries for last minute notices of not being able to work for my emergency room visits.

They are very aware with what we are going through as a family and they freely give him the flexibility we need right now.

A new job may pay better, but would most likely not offer that kind of flexibility as a new employee that has to prove himself yet as a loyal and dedicated worker. If we lived within walking distance from the hospital, it would be a different story , but we don't it is a nice little drive and hubby makes sure he takes me just in case I have a reaction to the chemo and can get back home.

So far now we continue on for it is what it is and we are very thankful his job has been so generous and kind to us and giving us what we need to get the treatments as we need them and as they change throughout all this time. Hubby is even now in a competition and if he continues winning....they have even offered to take me to chemo for him so he can go to the main event if he gets that far in the competition!

Sometimes the benefits that go beyond the paycheck, makes it worth staying put. :)


  1. Hugs to you, Carrie!!! I hope this month is better for you that June was.

    We chose for me to stay at home with our kids when my first one was born. It was not an easy choice. We knew we will miss a paycheck. But for us, it was the right way to go! You do what works best for you and your family, and I'm so glad you hubby's employers are so supportive.

    1. We mostly over the years choose to have me home to especially as a homeschooling family. There are times though I get a job to give us breathing room or straighten out finances. My kids are also getting older, and with one minimum wage income, well I at least contemplate a job from time to time. Our usual experience however has always been we do much better financially AND as a family when I stay home :) maybe these feelings are simply how long I have been sitting around and I am feeling my surge of energy returning making me antsy!

  2. So glad you are feeling better!! I'll bet an institutional job like Alma College would be good for him, and treat him like family also. How are the chickens? Ann

  3. I know it would ease the financial burden if you had a paycheck. Unfortunately your current Job that pays nothing but improved health- is to get the chemo and continue to heal. Although minimum wage, your husband would likely be out of a job with any other employer because of his time off needs. So wonderful that the company understands and supports the need for him to be with you.
    I want to see him win this competition too. Awesome that they plan to get you to the appointments so he can compete.
    Sheila - Escanaba

  4. Hey Carrie. Not to sound cliche, but when it feels right, that will be the time to get back on the work horse. You will know when it's time :) Best of luck!


  5. I totally agree with your decision. Your husband sounds like a dedicated employee AND family man. Sometimes time is more important than money-to everything there is a season. My husband has been voluntarily "underemployed" for years because my career and our family priorities require this flexibility. I have a high-paying job that is enabling us to throw money at our mortgage and other debts and build savings. As much as I would love to stay home in my garden and tend a flock of chickens, it makes far more sense to maximize my earnings at this time in support of our shared vision of a debt-free, simple, sustainable lifestyle. Hang in there, you know best what will work for your family as you work towards your goals.

    Anne in MO

  6. Carrie, I too agree that this is a wise decision. There will be opportunities for both of you as time goes on and as your health improves. Keep up the positive spirit and forward thinking. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. I think it's a good decision! And I thought I'd let you know that you are rocking the bald look! You look amazing!
