Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Increasing Income With Garage Sales

I have not talked too much yet about increasing income, in part because food is usually an area that always can be reduced. I do talk a lot about food or share recipes! While food is a necessity, it also is usually an area many way overspend in and so is a quick way to reduce it in order to instantly free up extra cash.

Through the colder months, I also like to hibernate a little more and really did not expect to work a whole lot in the increasing income areas other than blogging ventures that is.

 However nicer weather is here, spring is in the air and I do have plans on putting several things into action in order to increase our income while retaining the integrity of sticking to our survival budget
I have a plan on what we will do with the extra money but will share that in an upcoming post!

With nice weather here, one of the ways I plan on increasing income is thinking Garage Sale. Now some it due to items we need to get rid of but I am not talking about the Garage Sale you have in order to sell things you bought for LESS than what you bought it for initially.

What I am talking about is having a perpetual ongoing garage sale as a business with the main idea to earn a little bit more than what you bargained a price for it so you turn a small profit.

I love Garage Sales in all forms, love to go and shop at them, love the bargaining and haggling aspects of it, love the fact it is time spent outdoors, love mingling with the people and I love to hold them.

I have already been out and about scouting for items to buy specifically with the mindset of if it is a good item to purchase in order to resell.

My entrepreneurial minded 10 year old daughter also loves this idea and actually plans on having her own table!

We happen to be in a prime location, a main short crossroad between two main highways , plenty of flat open yard and in a great garage sale area. We also plan on doing some traveling this summer to family and camping areas that would allow us to shop other garage sales out of our primary area to be able to bring in new things.

We have some good ideas we may want to add to this theme as well. When we get the ball rolling, I will do a few updates to let you know how it is going with this income increasing idea.

Keep on truckin on!

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