Saturday, May 19, 2012

What makes you stop for Yard Sales?

Need I say more? LOL I am just curious as many of you know I am venturing into an ongoing Garage/Yard Sale this year from a side business perspective.

You can help make it great by leaving a comment and letting me know what it is for you that will make you stop everytime at a garage sale.

Is it the not being able to see the items? ( garage or canopy shelter)

Is it HOW it is set up?

What Items do you want to see that will make you stop?

Is it the amount of stuff?

Anything you can think of let me know in the comments to let me know what will get you to stop!

( for me I stop at almost any unless it is a tiny table with like 5 items on it LOL)


  1. This probably sounds strange, but I won't stop unless there are other cars there. I don't like the akwardness of being the only one pilfering through their things. My sister has a lot of yard sales and always has a radio playing quietly so it eases some of the tension. Good luck to you with your new venture...I had a couple of yard sales last summer and sold clothes that my boys had outgrown. Altogether I made over $400 which was more than I expected.

  2. I am not a huge garage sale person but since having the grands join our world toys catch my eye. We like to have things for them to play with at our house, gently used is perfect!! Seems any baby items draw a crowd as well as furniture

  3. if the stuff looks very unorganized I hesitate to stop...also I can usually tell if I'm interested in what they have just from a quick glance lol I admit to being a sale snob

  4. Good items. If there are boxes and lines of clothes everywhere I usually don't stop. Big ticket items catch my eye
