Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bronco Bob Your OURS BABY!

He may be old, he may have been around the block ( 220,000 miles on him), he may be a little rusty with doors that squeak and stick from time to time BUT Friday marked our last payment on him after an 18 month stretch of $180 monthly payments!

HE IS OURS and that is like giving ourselves a $180 a month raise! WOOT WOOT

He was the last thing we had payments on that seals our deal on livng a cash only lifestyle now. This means we will immediatly start putting money away into a car fund so that the next time we need a vehicle, there will be no payments, nor will there be  3 months of biking the 5 miles to town to scrape together the meager down payment to  get a car attached to payments.

We made the cash only policy a couple months AFTER we got Bronco Bob and we have been doing really good on that other than truck payments. However I do not ever want payments on a car again, I have always hated it but seems we always get locked into them.

So let the new car fund begin ( of course along with a repair one to keep Bronco Bob going as long as we can)!

We soooooooooooooooo OWN YOU BRONCO BOB!

Do you take on car payments or do you pay for your automobiles with cash?


  1. The last car we financed was in June 1995...5 Years of payments UGH! and we paid that one off 2 years early.
    Since then it's been cash ONLY. and the last 4 have been used cars as well. Once you get off that payments hamster wheel, you never want to go back!
    Congrats to you!!

  2. good job now keep on keeping on.....we paid cash for somoe junkers and for awhile i had a truck payment, (i averaged 200 mile round trip to wokr for years so better truck was needed) now simi retired underemployed :) we have no payments and my last truck i bought new is paid off and has 236,000 miles.....last year we bought a different car our old one ran good but was 15 yers old and we bought a 06, paid cash and gave our son the old one and he drives it to work every car payments is a blessing....ronaldj...

  3. House will be paid of in 18 months. Car paid off in 3 more years. No public transit available and family is 30-200 miles out of town. Not practical for a rental car. I often walk to work when the weather is good. We use the car most often as it has the best mileage. 33mpg highway/22mpg in town. Not sure what the manufacturer says. That's what we get.
    Our goal is to pay off the house and car. Then save the money for our next vehicle. Van is 1999 and not reliable for long hauls any more. Kitchen appliances are 20+ years old so that is in the emergency fun to replace.
    Sheila UP of MI
