Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Night time Visualization

Getting enough sleep is important to getting and staying healthy, and sometimes I have a real hard time going to sleep while my mind races with all the things I "should" be doing or all the ideas I always seem to have.

Regardless of how tired or awake I am though, I believe in visualization and affirmations as a powerful tool for our mind in order to relax and in becoming healthy.

Every night while I lay in bed I start a countdown from 10 while I visualize myself at the top of a stair case. As I count down I step down one stair until I am at the bottom with the number 0. After I say each number and see the number in my head, and see myself step down one stair, I do this affirmation.

10 ( top of stairs)  " I am at my deepest possible level of healing ability.....heal thy self, heal thy self, heal thy self! ( visualize myself running, dancing or just enjoying sun but being healthy)  then follow with " Each and every day every part of me is feeling better in every way"

Then I go to

9 and repeat this process.

Most times I am in a deep restful sleep by the time I count down to 5, other nights I get to zero and if I still have trouble going to sleep, I repeat it starting back at 10. I have never had to go through it a third time, works great and is really good visualization exercise for me.

Visualizations can go a long ways in helping reduce pain, relax and get a good night sleep along with telling your body it is more than capable of healing itself, after all that is what it was designed to do!



  1. Hm..that is just about as good as counting your blessings...I may give your method a go if I don't drop right off some night! Thanks!

  2. I really admire your attitude. I hope you get the medical care you need and some relief from your pain. My prayer for this country is that everyone can access decent, affordable health care on a preventative basis. Decent, hard-working people such as yourself shouldn't have to get to a point of acute need then have to throw yourself on the "mercy" of a vast bureaucracy to get "help." You stay positive, let me carry the bitter. We're better than this, America. God bless you. I hope in the coming months I can help you in some tangible way, other than my prayers and Internet rants :) I'm actually a normal person!

  3. I am thinking of healing for you!!

