Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Flyaway Frugality

If I am to be honest, these last 2 months have been anything but frugal, it seems costs have gone up in every catagory, which I suppose is to be somewhat expected when a serious illness strikes. Especially when the illness falls on the frugal financial manager of the household, the foundation crumbles when only one does the finances and the cooking.

Hubby now does the food shopping, although I am trying to get him to take an initiative and not just get what I ask him too but to get the types of foods him and the kids can make. It does not work me telling him what to get based on my cooking skills when I am not cooking! It is a huge adjustment that we are working on. If he gets what I ask him to but he does not have the cooking skill, then he just sits around saying tell me what to make and how to make it I will do it. The problem there is many times I am too exhausted to guide him through that type of process. My response will usually be, I have no idea what is in the cupboards, you will have to look.......well then the conversation ends there and creates a huge dinner time problem.

At the same time, he does need to get what I ask him to which is usually a variety of different foods and small snacks that I need around to be able to eat something. With my taste buds and sense of smells changing every few days it seems, I never know what I will be able to eat or what will make me ill just thinking of it. This certainly has increased our food bill altogether!

Gas for the vehicle has tripled almost with all the trips to hospitals and extra trips for needed things that I just can't keep on top of because I am not walking around checking what we need. Since hubby does not do this either it creates a lot of unneccessary trips for things we have been running out of.

I am freezing all the time as I lose more weight so I keep the temp in the house higher than I always have as well.

Since my first chemo last week, I am feeling quite a bit better however so I am hoping to take this week to develop a plan of getting back on track and crash course teaching hubby! LOL

This is one reason I have tried for years to get him involved with the finances , in a married household this really should be a 2 person endeavor. With only one in charge of it, when they fall ill, the whole household can crumble and it can have some serious consequences. Unfortuantly it was never something hubby wanted a part of as he liked me taking all that stress off of him. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, he is a wonderful man and has been such a huge help in many ways lately.

I never would have made it through the last 2 months without him, but from a financial perspective I have always known it is best when both spouses are involved because how hard a family can fall if it only falls on 1.

So I suppose my goal is for the rest of this month is to create a plan and have the goal for March of hubby and both kids learning and taking an active role in the finances and developing their cooking skills while learning the art of frugality!

As a whole, this simply is just a huge adjustment period for us, one I have full confidence that we will get worked out and back on track with frugal goals!



  1. I have stumbled across your blog and all I can say is take care and let the main focus in your life be your health. I'm sure your husband and kids will get all the kinks out of their new roles quickly.

  2. When you are resting, keep a notebook by you. When you are up to it, write down the intimate details of how to cook a couple of easy meals. It will save you the questions on a day you can't even navigate to take a shower.
    People would offer their help and I actually told them what I needed. If anyone offers, ask them to come cook the food in the house. Even browning and freezing ground beef and chicken for quick meals later helps.
    Sheila - Escanaba.

  3. Carrie, I have been thinking of you. I hope your chemo goes well and your finances steady--some people find they are able to handle things they haven't handled much before, and your DH may be this way as well. Your health is your first priority!

  4. Carrie, my sweet, I have not commented here as I would have liked lately but you have been in my heart and my prayers. I hope you can FEEL the love that is pouring out to you now as you mend. Too bad your fan club can't take turns bringing you chicken soup...and dinner for the rest of your family. Just knowing that we WOULD might help you. You are dear to so many hearts. Be well.
