Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Belated Chemo Check in and Update

I know some of you worry when I do not give a timely update so I will apologize upfront for how long it has been since my last post. Although my co-author and adult daughter seems to have been doing a good job and filling it in with her very unique posts!

But truly it has been a very good but busy last 2 weeks!

My last chemo went well although they gave me a new pill to take as a preventative to my Thursday and Friday crash where I just generally felt fatigued, and like I was coming down with the flu. Just blah in general and not wanting to move off the bed much for those 2 days, even though I felt it really was  quite mild and getting milder with each chemo.

I was advised to take these pills 2 times a day, no ifs, ands or butts as they were a preventative and NOT a take as needed thingy.

Well alright then, what happened when I listened and followed my doctors advice?

3 days of insomnia, super duper hyperactivity, racing mind with a body finding it hard to keep up with, a feeling of being invincible and announcing I was going to start training to be in the Tough Mudder Race at the end of June here in Michigan! The Tough Mudder Race by the way for those who are not aware, is a 12 mile obstacle course marathon with 20 to 25 obstacles that include dealing with ice, electric shock, mud and fire!

Yeah truly it  was the tiny blue pill talking!

This was followed on the third day by feeling like I had tumbled down a 1/4 mile hill in time to  get run over by a semi-truck just to stand and have Mike Tyson beat the crap out of me! This was the "bone pain" everyone had warned me about from my day after chemo shot to help my white blood  cells from crashing way too low!

Then I found my good, dear friend was coming to visit and bringing my adult daughter ( yup the one that writes here with me!) where they would spend a whole day here but stay over night 2 nights. It is a 9 hour drive one way to get here. Great news, love seeing them both, lifts my spirits!

While they were driving down, I then was notified my 2 grand kids were coming to spend 4 days with us! This led to 9 of us all sleeping in a 2 bedroom 14 x 70 trailer! YIKES

Of course I had to call my sister and see if she could bring my mom up to visit  with her 2 great grand kids as we have not been able to see them too much, the last time was almost 3 years ago, longer for my mom. Unfortunately I already knew my mother-in-law had to work on this particular day or I would have loved to invite her too as she  lives near my sister and could have hitched a ride. We will have to plan another day for her to visit as this was all really last minute notice.

So I spent the whole day the grand kids were going to arrive de-cluttering and washing every blanket in the house to make sure there would be enough clean bedding for everyone. Exhausting I know,but oh so worth it! We had a blast but by the time the grand kids and everyone else left, I was so exhausted it was not funny.

Being exhausted the timing of the grand kids leaving, left us being very tired but in need of doing our once a month grocery shopping,which just furthered the exhaustion! Then I took 2 full days to re-coupe! Did absolutely nothing but fix 2 easy dinners while I re-charged my batteries and finally started sleeping good at night again!

Went to chemo this last Tuesday and got the okay to only take the pills "as needed and only in the morning) as it certainly seemed way too much for me and that yeah some people have the reaction I described. I swear it was like taking a handful of speed! I was even talking non-stop at 100 miles an hour driving my whole family nuts!

I will  have chemo again in 2 weeks and get my scan either the same day or shortly after to see how everything is doing! We are all excited to see the results as just be how I am doing and my doctor feeling the changes, it appears to be responding remarkably well so are hoping the scans give us the concrete evidence of how we all feel it is responding. Very exciting indeed!

I also for the first time did not lose weight between the 2 weeks, I actually gained 4lbs WOOT WOOT!

So there you have it, I feel great, and doing great and have just been busy with those I cherish and love spending time with!

Have a great week!



  1. I am glad that you're feeling so well, most of the time. Yeah, sometimes those extra meds can make things worse, can't they? I don't know if I could have managed all the company without disowning a relative or two. Hope you can catch up on rest.
    In my prayers.

    1. Lol Lili, I have a wonderful family and friend.I always uhh s enjoy the company. While it may tire me out, it certainly raises my spirits!

  2. So glad you are feeling better! Plus, it appears that this treatment is working. When you mentioned the Tough Mudder I had to laugh! There are two obstacles where you have to wade through cold water or ice and then get shocked. Really, shocked. If you feel better this summer how about an easy 5k cancer walk? Did you get the box of books I sent you? AnnW

    1. Yeah I know about the getting shocked LOL. Yes I did get the lovely books thankyou! I kept meaning to send a thankyou note and just kept getting side tracked or forgetting! Sorry about that, I am so behind in Thankyou notes! LOL I DO appreciate them though and the oragami heart was lovely too!

    2. Consider this the thank you! You have enough to do to get healthy. Maybe I'll send some hearts for your hospital team. Glad you are feeling better. Ann

  3. Carrie, Glad to hear you had a nice visit with family and that you are feeling a bit better. Wishing you and your family much health and happiness. Terri.

    P.S. enjoy your blogs.

    1. Glad you are enjoying them Terri, Wishing your family the same!
