Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Failing the Low/No Spend Challenge Update on All Accounts!

Okay so  a very very very NOT typical month for me. I am doing HORRIBLE with the challenge in every way!

First of all the only NO SPEND day we have had is February 2!

I spent double what I planned to for DATE NIGHT (clearing throat of huge embarrassment) $500
(now this has been our first DATE NIGHT in a year and since we homeschool we are with kids 24/7  not to make excuses but perhaps a tad easier to see how I was moved to not care too much what we spent and WE HAD A BALL and we did not steal anybody's reservations and get chased all over town by thugs! LOL)

I also spent WAY WAY more than usual on groceries! I actually hit close to the national average for my sized family by spending $650 but I also bought a lot of bulk stuff so many things will last more than one month.

Hubby desperately needed work shoes and Jeans------he split the zipper right out of his only pair of jeans a few days before date night and had to wear his sweat pants under his jeans. So yeah, needed jeans in a big way poor guy! $45

Bronco Bob is happy that we put more gas in him then ummmmmmmmmmm ever at one time  $60
$15 more goes in him today

The kids got as promised as belated Christmas gifts  $150

I paid forweb hosting and domain costs for a new site I am launching

I bought a JUICER!!!! $50  


BUT I have NOT gone over the top surplus above what we planned on adding to our monthly income.

I DID  Invest $188  + $12 monthly fee  for a total of $200

I DID put away $100 in Savings!

For the Decluttering part of the challenge?? HUGE FAIL

hoping to make up for that this week as this past week was spent with a broken down furnace and doing what we could to stay warm!  Thank goodness the weather was mild for this time of year!
Now with the furnace fixed and the propane tank filled up full yesterday we were just in time for the weather to turn cold again! YEAH love being warm for some reason!

1 comment:

  1. I too am stinking up the low spend but I have the decluttering going strong!! You and hubby need some time no matter what the cost, without a marriage there is no family.
