Friday, August 31, 2012

The End of the Month Already?

Well I will be, where the heck did August go? It sure found me busy and yet seemingly slacking on many levels, such as how often I was posting on my blogs! So sorry as I know you are use to me blogging more frequently but August was busy and yet weirdly relaxing and full of leisure at the same time!

I did lots of bike riding for returnable cans and lots of food coming in from the garden as well, I am up to my ears at the moment in a bumper crop of green beans, cucumbers and tomato's! So yeah blanching and freezing, making pickles, salsas canned and fresh, slicing and dicing, you name it!

I did go grocery shopping again on a $100 which I never got around to posting on and that brings this months total to around $400 for the month BUT I was able to get 2 Hams on the bones that were on sale! I paid $11 a piece for the Hams!

I also have been working and organizing somewhat of a homeschooling outline for this year for September activities I want to get done with the kids. Really excited this year to begin high school years with my son and middle school years with our daughter.....seems to get funner the older the get! YEAH!

Oh and a little nervous but not too worried.....watching closely as the West Niles virus seems to be out of control.....yesterday I read 80 cases in Michigan with 5 deaths and that is raising rapidly!

Oh and we had several lovely barbecues including salmon, hamburgers and um hamburgers again! LOL YUMMY!

For leisure I have been sitting around a lot, read a book and have been playing VIDEO GAMES which is always a hoot as I never play them so I provide entertainment to the kids watching me struggle and yell for help all the time! BUT it has helped me to recharge my batteries as July had really kicked my butt and September marks the start of a very busy season for me so August seemed like a great month to recharge my batteries to start my marathon of activities come September!

Oh on a bad note, we are behind in utilities AGAIN and now on top of that need $150 for a brake line repair on our truck! But that is the life for a minimum wage worries! LOL

How did your August go?


1 comment:

  1. I miss the years that we homeschooled. I had such a great time planing all the fun we'd have. I hope your year goes very well for you and your kids.
