Saturday, December 8, 2012

2013 Goals

Goals for 2013

I have made a new page for these up at the top to help keep them in sight and in focus, but these will be our goals for 2013. Nothing fancy mind you, but perhaps reachable for the new year!

Spend Less Than Earned

How do I plan on doing this?

1.) Reduce Electric Bill by 50%

2.) Cancel Netflix for April, May, June, July and August

3.) Wash laundry by hand ( in 5 gallon bucket and plunger) and line dry

4.) Quit Smoking

5.) Raise at least 80% of food

6.) Make Cloth Sanitary Pads

7.) Cut out Rent

8.) Reduce Phone/Internet Bill

9.) Mow our own Yard

10.) Create Workable Budget where expenses are less than income ( $1,000 a month budget)

11.) Sew
12.) Buy anything we need used from craigslist, thrift stores, garage sales etc.

Health is TOP priority for 2013

1.) Testing for Breast Cancer ( starts actually December 14, 2012 but will start 2013 with results and what to do from there

2.) Going Unprocessed , more raw foods, whole foods diet with proper nutritional guidlines

3.) Set up dental appointments to get rest of teeth pulled and dentures through a clinic 30 miles away for low income or non insured families.

4.) Set up and stick with exercise plan

5.) Stop Smoking

Earn More Money/ Extra Money and Set up Funds
amounts shown in red is desired goals for 2013

1.) Emergency Fund $1,000
2.) Christmas Fund $300
3.) Holiday fund ( birthdays and anniversary) $500
4.) Home Ownership fund $6,000 ( funded from tax refund)
5.) New Car Fund $1,000
6.) Travel Fund $1,000
7.) Vet Fund $300
8.) Medical Fund $1,000

DIY Projects

1.) Portable Chicken coops and pens
2.) Veggie Garden
3.) Chicken Garden
4.) laundry
5.) cooking ( from scratch things i have not made before)

Purchase Goals/Wants List

1.) Push Lawn Mower
2.) freezer
3.) Tortilla Press
4.) Food processor
5.) Dining room table and chairs


  1. Get teethe pulled? What?? Why?? Do expand please.

  2. Great goals, though doing the washing by hand is not my idea of fun!!

    Good luck with your teeth also. Do you have gum disease is that why you are having them all pulled?

    Gill in Canada

  3. You mentioned your teeth in your last post and it seems they are a cause of much stress for you. Hopefully your plan will work and you'll feel better with the dentures.

    One thing you may want to think about instead of the cloth sanitary pads is a menstrual cup. I've had mine for about three years and the initial outlay was about $20. Here's a blog that has a lot of information about the many options available: Hey, it would eliminate some laundry, too!

  4. Anon #2: I hear ya on the teeth. Root canal work (have had 3 so far) meant 2 'teeth' gave way to chronic infections. Although that doesn't happen to everyone, my oral surgeon admitted that once a rc is done, the gum has been invaded and is just vulnerable to infection. Hence, the 2 infected are sadly 'grinder' teeth and basically getting the 2nd one removed next month. The removal of root canal jobs on the molars is more painful than a tooth removal. I have a partial (lower front 4) and before that infections for 5 years, regardless of the fastidious care I took. I actually look forward to dentures, because all the crap I deal with will be over. I have thyroid disease and when I did a weight-loss shake plan (loss and maintenance) for 2 years, it messed with my saliva (unbeknownst to me) and literally my body was attacking my teeth.

    Will pray on your smoking addiction.
