Friday, December 21, 2012

Anime Cat Art

These are a few of my daughters anime cats that she has done using the microsoft paint program on our computer!  She has been spending loads of time drawing these ( I am only showing 3 of them) .
Once she has several done, she then goes into a Skype editing program and creates mini movies set to music and is really getting good at!
So for Christmas I could not resist and ordered her a drawing tablet for the computer where you draw normally on it but it plugs into the computer. I also ordered her a computer software program for Anime Workshop!  This will allow her to do so much more than what she can do now with them with the limited programs we have at the moment.
I can not wait to see what she will be able to create with some decent tools to help foster her deep passion of drawing, anime and editing. 
Unknown to her, she also has a digital camcorder coming for her love of movie making!
So what do you think? Would these critters make some cute T-shirts or what?

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