Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chicken Run Extension Done!

He is a little behind on his Honey Do List but yesterday he was able to get the chicken run extension done so my girls are very very happy now! We ended up using their portable coop/pen and just running the 50 foot of chicken wire around to make a 13 x 13 (about) square for them so they can have room to graze and walk around and just do their chicken Thang.

We were working on their permanent coop but when the wind storm hit our trailer, it totally destroyed the coop we were working on! So making the run off their existing cage/coop seemed like the better deal for now so our 3 hens and 1 rooster do not have to wait and be crowded any longer.

Our other 3 chickens are free to roam our whole yard as they do not leave the yard and stay close by.

Now that we have this extension run finished, and it is made so we can easily remove their existing coop/pen, we can work on their permanent pen at leisure. When it gets done, we will remove the existing coop/pen and put the permanent one in its place attaching it it  to the extension pen.

The fencing is not that tall, so I did clip their wings to keep them in the penned area. These 4 chickens roam to far and cause too much trouble in our yard and the neighbors yards to let them totally free range so this was our solution for happy chickens.

I am so happy it is done, now if I can just get the energy to get my garden in! I know I know I am really late on this but  have not given up!

How far behind are you on your spring/summer projects to do lists?


  1. Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award.

  2. Oh how I miss fresh eggs. I am gonna have to start checking around for local sellers. Store bought are hard to go back to :(
